Expression Analysis and Characterization of Tetratricopeptide Repeat Doman 39c (Ttc39c) in Skeletal Muscle -
FASEB Journal 2016
Ttc39c is Upregulated During Skeletal Muscle Atrophy and Modules ERK1/2 Kinase and HedgeHog Signaling - Journal
Cellular Physiology 2019
Performance of MYC, BCL2, and BCL6 break-apart FISH in small biopsies with large B-cell lymphomas: A retrospective Cytopathology Hematopathology Interinstitutional Consortium study 2024
How I Learn
1000s of and Udemy courses streaming to iPad during showers and while doing chores
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Store learning items in MySQL table named LearningCollection for fast recall. Zsh keybindings and functions to
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LearningCollection API.